


adj. quick·er, quick·est

1. Moving or functioning rapidly and energetically; speedy: an animal that is quick enough to escape most predators.

2. Learning, thinking, or understanding with speed and dexterity; bright: a quick mind.


a. Perceiving or responding with speed and sensitivity; keen: quick reflexes.

b. Reacting immediately and sharply: a quick temper.


a. Occurring, achieved, or acquired in a relatively brief period of time: a quick rise through the ranks; a quick profit.

b. Done or occurring immediately: a quick inspection. See Synonyms at fast1.

5. Tending to react hastily: quick to find fault.

6. Archaic

a. Alive.

b. Pregnant.


1. Sensitive or raw exposed flesh, as under the fingernails.

2. The most personal and sensitive aspect of the emotions: The remark cut her to the quick.

3. The living: the quick and the dead.

4. The vital core; the essence: got to the quick of the matter.

adv. quicker, quickest

Quickly; promptly.

[Middle English, alive, lively, quick, from Old English cwicu, alive; see gwei- in Indo-European roots.]

quick′ly adv.

quick′ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (of an action, movement, etc) performed or occurring during a comparatively short time: a quick move.

2. lasting a comparatively short time; brief: a quick flight.

3. accomplishing something in a time that is shorter than normal: a quick worker.

4. characterized by rapidity of movement; swift or fast: a quick walker.

5. immediate or prompt: a quick reply.

6. (postpositive) eager or ready to perform (an action): quick to criticize.

7. responsive to stimulation; perceptive or alert; lively: a quick eye.

8. eager or enthusiastic for learning: a quick intelligence.

9. easily excited or aroused: a quick temper.

10. skilfully swift or nimble in one's movements or actions; deft: quick fingers.

11. archaic

a. alive; living

b. (as noun) living people (esp in the phrase the quick and the dead)

12. archaic or dialect lively or eager: a quick dog.

13. (of a fire) burning briskly

14. (Botany) composed of living plants: a quick hedge.

15. dialect (of sand) lacking firmness through being wet

16. (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) quick with child archaic pregnant, esp being in an advanced state of pregnancy, when the movements of the fetus can be felt


17. (Anatomy) any area of living flesh that is highly sensitive to pain or touch, esp that under a toenail or fingernail or around a healing wound

18. the vital or most important part (of a thing)

19. (Agriculture) short for quickset1

20. cut someone to the quick to hurt someone's feelings deeply; offend gravely


21. in a rapid or speedy manner; swiftly

22. soon: I hope he comes quick.


a command requiring the hearer to perform an action immediately or in as short a time as possible

[Old English cwicu living; related to Old Saxon quik, Old High German queck, Old Norse kvikr alive, Latin vīvus alive, Greek bios life]

ˈquickly adv

ˈquickness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj.andadv. -er, -est,
n. adj.

1. done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity: a quick response.

2. completed in a short time: a quick shower.

3. moving with speed: a quick fox.

4. easily provoked or excited: a quick temper.

5. keenly responsive; lively; acute: a quick wit.

6. acting with swiftness or rapidity: a quick worker.

7. prompt or swift in doing, perceiving, or understanding: quick to respond; a quick eye.

8. (of a bend or curve) sharp: a quick bend in the road.

9. brisk, as fire, flames, or heat.

10. Archaic.

a. endowed with life.

b. having a high degree of energy or activity.


11. living persons: the quick and the dead.

12. the tender, sensitive flesh of the living body, esp. that under the nails.

13. the vital or most important part.


14. quickly.

[before 900; Middle English quik lively, moving, swift; Old English cwic, cwicu living; c. German queck, keck, Old Norse kvikr]

quick′ness, n.

syn: quick, fast, swift, rapid describe a speedy rate of motion or progress. quick applies particularly to an action or reaction that is almost instantaneous, or of brief duration: to take a quick look around. fast refers to a person or thing that acts or moves speedily; when used of communication or transportation, it suggests a definite goal and continuous movement: a fast swimmer; a fast train. swift, a more formal word, suggests great speed as well as graceful movement: The panther is a swift animal. rapid applies to one or a series of actions or movements; it stresses the rate of speed: to perform rapid calculations. See also sharp.

usage: The difference between the adverbial forms quick and quickly is frequently stylistic. quick is informal, more often used in short spoken sentences, esp. imperative ones: Come quick! The roof is leaking. quickly is the usual form in writing, both in the preverb position (We quickly realized that attempts to negotiate would be futile) and following verbs other than imperatives (She turned quickly and sat down). See also slow, sure.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- Any tender or sensitive flesh, as under the nails, around a sore or wound, or under a hoof.

See also related terms for nails.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


 those who are alive; live plants collectively. especially hawthorne; of ten used in the phrase the quick and the dead.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. quick - any area of the body that is highly sensitive to pain (as the flesh underneath the skin or a fingernail or toenail)

region, area - a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"

Adj. 1. quick - accomplished rapidly and without delay; "was quick to make friends"; "his quick reaction prevented an accident"; "hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem"; "a speedy recovery"; "he has a right to a speedy trial"


fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"

2. quick - hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit"

flying, fast

hurried - moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste; "a hurried trip to the store"; "the hurried life of a city"; "a hurried job"

3. quick - moving quickly and lightly quick - moving quickly and lightly; "sleek and agile as a gymnast"; "as nimble as a deer"; "nimble fingers"; "quick of foot"; "the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it"

agile, nimble, spry

active - characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action"

4. quick - apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity; "a quick mind"; "a ready wit"


intelligent - having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; "is there intelligent life in the universe?"; "an intelligent question"

5. quick - performed with little or no delay; "an immediate reply to my letter"; "a prompt reply"; "was quick to respond"; "a straightaway denial"

straightaway, prompt, immediate

fast - acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car"

6. quick - easily aroused or excited quick - easily aroused or excited; "a quick temper"; "a warm temper"


excitable - easily excited

Adv. 1. quick - with little or no delay; "the rescue squad arrived promptly"; "come here, quick!"

promptly, quickly

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. fast, swift, speedy, express, active, cracking (Brit. informal), smart, rapid, fleet, brisk, hasty, headlong, nippy (informal), pdq (slang) Europe has moved a long way at a quick pace.
fast slow, sluggish

2. brief, passing, hurried, flying, fleeting, summary, lightning, short-lived, hasty, cursory, perfunctory I just popped in for a quick chat.
brief long, gradual

5. excitable, passionate, impatient, abrupt, hasty, irritable, touchy, curt, petulant, irascible, testy, chippy (informal) She had inherited her father's quick temper.
excitable patient, calm, restrained

6. intelligent, bright (informal), alert, sharp, acute, smart, clever, all there (informal), shrewd, discerning, astute, receptive, perceptive, quick-witted, quick on the uptake (informal), nimble-witted The older adults are not as quick in their thinking.
intelligent stupid, unintelligent

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Characterized by great celerity:

Idiom: quick as a bunny.

2. Moving or performing quickly, lightly, and easily:

3. Mentally quick and original:

4. Accomplished in very little time:


A point of origin from which ideas or influences, for example, originate:


In a rapid way:

Idioms: full tilt, in a flash, in nothing flat, like a bat out of hell, like a blue streak, like a flash, like a house on fire, like a shot, like a streak, like greased lightning, like the wind, like wildfire.

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


سَريعسَرِيعسَريع الحَرَكَه سَريع، ذَكي، حاد الذِّهْن سَريع، يَحْدُثُ بِسُرْعَه

rychlý chvatný hned pohotový rychle

hurtig hurtigt lyn- rap

nopea nopeaälyinen pikainen sukkela vikkelä



fljótt fljótur snöggur til snöggur, örstuttur, skyndi- snöggur, snar

はやい 素早い 速い


dribsmėlis greitinti greitumas negesintos kalkės paspartinti

ātri ātrs bez kavēšanās īss strauji

hiter hitro

snabb kvick





A. ADJ (quicker (compar) (quickest (superl)))

3. (= not lengthy) [meal] → rápido
he gave me a quick kiss on the cheekme dio un besito en la mejilla
let's have a quick look at thatdéjame echarle un vistazo rápido a eso
to have a quick one (= drink) → tomarse un trago
can I have a quick word (with you)?¿puedo hablar un segundo contigo?, ¿podemos hablar un segundo?

B. N

1. (Anat)
the quick her nails were bitten down to the quickse había mordido las uñas hasta dejárselas como muñones
to cut sb to the quickherir a algn en lo vivo

2. (archaic, liter) the quick and the deadlos vivos y los muertos

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= rapid) [runner, walker, pace, movement, car, train, pulse] → rapide; [meal, decision, visit, glance, shower, bath] → rapide; [reply, retort] → rapide; [pulse] → rapide
a quick lunch → un déjeuner rapide
She was quick in her movements → Ses mouvements étaient rapides.
It's quicker by train → C'est plus rapide en train.
to have a quick wash → faire une toilette rapide
to have a quick look → jeter un coup d'œil
I'll just have a quick look at the paper → Je jette juste un coup d'œil sur le journal.
to make a quick profit → gagner de l'argent rapidement
be quick! → dépêche-toi!
You'll have to be quick. The flight leaves in about three hours → Il faut te dépêcher. L'avion part dans trois heures environ.
a quick learner
She's a quick learner → Elle apprend vite.
as quick as a flash → rapide comme l'éclair quick thinking

(= alert) [person] → vif (vive) m/f [mind] → vif (vive) m/f
quick wit → vivacité f d'esprit

to have a quick temper → s'emporter facilement

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005






quick fix

nSchnelllösung f



quickset hedge

nHecke f; (= hawthorn)Weißdornhecke f

quick time

n (US Mil) Marsch im Normaltempo

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kwik) adjective

1. done, said, finished etc in a short time. a quick trip into town. vinnig سَريع бърз rápido chvatný, rychlý schnell hurtig γρήγορος, σύντομος rápido lühi-, kiir- سریع؛ تند pikainen rapide מהיר तेज brz gyors cepat snöggur, örstuttur, skyndi- veloce, rapido すばやい 단시간의 greitas, skubus ātrs; īss (laikā) cepat vlug rask, kjapp, hurtig szybki چټك، ګړندى: تيارسۍ: بيړګندى، په بيړه: حساس: ژر توليدوونكى rápido rapid быстрый; короткий chvatný, rýchly hiter brz snabb, hastig รวดเร็ว çabuk 快的,短暫的 швидкий مختصر وقت میں کیا یا کہا گیا mau chóng 快的

2. moving, or able to move, with speed. He's a very quick walker; I made a grab at the dog, but it was too quick for me. vinnig سَريع الحَرَكَه пъргав rápido rychlý schnell hurtig ταχύς, σβέλτος rápido kiire فرز nopea rapide מהיר, זריז फुर्तीला brz eleven, élénk, gyors cepat snöggur, snar veloce 速い 움직임이 빠른 greitas, vikrus ātrs; veikls cepat snel rask, fort, snar prędki چټك rápido rapid, iute скорый rýchly hiter brz snabb, rask, kvick ที่ว่องไว hızlı 快速的 прудкий تیز رفتار سے چلنا nhanh 快速的

3. doing something, able to do something, or done, without delay; prompt; lively. He is always quick to help; a quick answer; He's very quick at arithmetic. vinnig سَريع، ذَكي، حاد الذِّهْن схватлив rápido pohotový schnell hurtig; rap γρήγορος, άμεσος, εύστροφος rápido nobe سریع välitön rapide מהיר तेज brz, ažuran gyors cepat snöggur til veloce, pronto すばやい 신속한 greitas, nuovokus tūlītējs; bez kavēšanās cepat vlug kvikk, kjapp, oppvakt szybki, bystry چټك rápido rapid; ager проворный pohotový hiter brz snar, snabb ฉับไว çabuk 敏捷的,伶俐的 кмітливий; винахідливий فوری عمل giỏi; nhanh nhẹn 敏捷的,伶俐的

adverb ˈquickly adverb

vinnig بِسُرْعَه бързо rapidamente rychle schnell hurtigt; omgående γρήγορα de prisa, rápido, rápidamente kiiresti به سرعت nopeasti vite מהר फुर्ती से brzo gyorsan dengan cepat snögglega, fljótt rapidamente, alla svelta 速く 빨리 greitai ātri; strauji dengan cepat vlug raskt, fort, kjapt prędko په بيړه، په چټكۍ rapidamente repede быстро, скоро rýchlo hitro brzo fort, snabbt อย่างรวดเร็ว çabuk çabuk 快速地 швидко تیزی سے nhanh chóng 快速地

ˈquicken verb

to make or become quicker. He quickened his pace. versnel يُسَرِّعُ، يَحُثُّ забързвам apressar zrychlit (se) beschleunigen sætte farten op επιταχύνω, γίνομαι πιο γρήγορος acelerar, aligerar kiirendama, kiirenema تند کردن nopeuttaa accélérer לְהֵיעָשוֹת מָהִיר יוֹתֵר तेज ubrzati meggyorsít mempercepat hraða accelerare 早める 빠르게 하다 (pa)spartinti, (pa)greitinti paātrināt mempercepatkan versnellen raske på, framskynde, sette opp farten przyspieszyć ژوند وركول، ژوندى كول: لمسول، پارول: ګړندي كول apressar a (se) grăbi ускорять zrýchliť (sa) pospešiti ubrzati påskynda เร่งเร้า hızlanmak 加快 пожвавлювати تیز کرنا یا ہونا trở nên nhanh hơn 加快

ˈquickness noun

vinnigheid سُرْعَه бързина rapidez rychlost die Schnelligkeit hurtighed γρηγοράδα, σβελτάδα, ευστροφία rapidez nobedus تندی nopeus rapidité מהירות शीघ्रता, जल्दी brzina gyorsaság kecepatan hraði, snerpa rapidità, prontezza 速さ 민첩, 빠름 greitumas ātrums kecepatan vlugheid raskhet szybkość ژوندى rapidez rapiditate быстрота rýchlosť hitrost brzina snabbhet, raskhet ความเร็ว çabukluk, sürat 快速 швидкість پھرتی sự nhanh chóng; sự lanh lợi 快速

ˈquicklime noun

lime which has not been mixed with water. ongebluste kalk جير حَي، كِلْس غَيْر مُطْفَأ негасена вар cal viva nehašené vápno ungelöschter Kalk brændt kalk ασβέστης που δεν έχει αναμειχθεί με νερό cal viva kustutamata lubi آهک زنده kalkki chaux vive סִיד חָי अबुझा चूना živo vapno oltatlan mész gamping brennt kalk calce viva 生石灰 생석회 negesintos kalkės nedzēsti kaļķi kapur tohor ongebluste kalk brent kalk wapno niegaszone چونه cal viva var nestins негашёная известь nehasené vápno živo apno živi kreč osläckt kalk ปูนขาวที่ยังไม่ได้ผสมกับน้ำ sönmemiş kireç 生石灰 негашене вапно بغیر پانی ملایا ہوا چونا vôi sống 生石灰

ˈquicksands noun plural

(an area of) loose, wet sand that sucks in anyone or anything that stands on it. dryfsand رِمالٌ مُتَحَرِّكَه плаващ пясък areia movediça pohyblivé písky der Treibsand kviksand κινούμενη άμμος arenas movedizas vesiliiv باتلاق شنی juoksuhiekka sables mouvants חוֹל טוֹבעָנִי चोर बालू živ pijesak folyós homok pasir berpusar kviksandur sabbie mobili 流砂 유사(流砂) dribsmėlis plūstošās smiltis pasir jerlus drijfzand kvikksand lotne piaski لمدى شګې (ريګ) چې سړى پكښې ډوبيږي areia movediça nisipuri mişcătoare зыбучие пески pohyblivý / tečúci piesok živi pesek živi pesak kvicksand ทรายดูด yutan kum, bataklık kumu 流沙[區] сипучий пісок, пливун دلدل vùng cát lầy 流沙(区)

ˈquicksilver noun

mercury. kwik زِئْبَق живак mercúrio rtuť das Quecksilber kviksølv υδράργυρος mercurio elavhõbe جیوه elohopea mercure כספית पारा živa higany air raksa kvikasilfur mercurio 水銀 수은 gyvsidabris dzīvsudrabs merkuri kwikzilver kvikksølv żywe srebro اره ( سيماب mercúrio argint viu ртуть ortuť živo srebro živa kvicksilver ปรอท cıva 水銀 ртуть سیال پارہ thuỷ ngân 水银

ˌquick-ˈtempered adjective

easily made angry. liggeraak, opvlieënd سَريع الغَضَب избухлив irritadiço vznětlivý hitzig opfarende ευέξαπτος de genio vivo äkiline زود خشم äkkipikainen soupe au lait חמום מוח चिड़चिड़ा nagao hirtelen haragú cepat marah uppstökkur collerico, irascibile 短気な 성급한 karštas, ūmus ātras dabas; viegli aizkaitināms cepat marah opvliegend hissig, oppfarende porywczy قهر irritadiço iute la mânie вспыльчивый prchký vzkipljiv naprasit lättretad, hetlevrad โมโหง่าย çabuk öfkelenen 易怒的 запальний, гарячий جسے جلد غصّہ آ جائے nóng tính 易怒的

ˌquick-ˈwitted adjective

thinking very quickly. a quick-witted policeman. skerpsinnig سَريع الذَّكاء схватлив vivo bystrý schlagfertig opvakt εύστροφος vivo, agudo, perspicaz taibukas تیز هوش nopeaälyinen à l'esprit vif מְהִיר תְּפִיסָה चतुर, हाजिर जवाब oštrouman éles eszű berpikir cepat skjótráður, skarpur perspicace, svelto, sveglio 気転のきく 머리 회전이 빠른 nuovokus, sumanus attapīgs; apķērīgs tajam akal snel reagerend snarrådig; slagferdig rozgarnięty ځیرک vivo ager la minte находчивый bystrý iznajdljiv dovitljiv kvicktänkt, fyndig ซึ่งมีไหวพริบ zeki 機智的 винахідливий تیز فہم nhanh trí 机智的

ˌquick-ˈwittedly adverb

skerpsinnig بِسُرْعَة ذَكاء схватливо com agudeza bystře schlagfertig opvakt με ευστροφία, έξυπνα con agudeza/perspicacia taibukalt با تیز هوشی nopeaälyisesti avec de la vivacité d'esprit תָּפַס בִּמהִירוּת चतुराई से oštroumno éles elmével dengan berpikir cepat með skjótráðum hætti (con prontezza di spirito) 気転をきかせて 눈치 빠르게 nuovokiai, sumaniai attapīgi; apķērīgi tajam akal snel reagerend snarrådig; slagferdig przytomnie په ځیرکی com agudeza cu agerime находчиво bystro iznajdljivo dovitljivo kvicktänkt, fyndigt อย่างมีไหวพริบ zekice 機智地 винахідливо برّاقی کے ساتھ nhanh trí 机智地

ˌquick-ˈwittedness noun

gevatheid سُرْعَة ذَكاء схватливост agudeza bystrost die Schlagfertigkeit opvakthed ευστροφία agudeza, perspicacia taibukus تیز هوشی sanavalmius vivacité d'esprit מְהִירוּת תְפִיסָה चतुराई oštroumnost fürge észjárás kecepatan berpikir skjótræði (prontezza di spirito) 気転 눈치 빠름 nuovokumas, sumanumas attapīgums; apķērība ketajaman akal snel reactievermogen snarrådighet; slagferdighet przytomność umysłu, bystrość ځیرکی agudeza agerime находчивость bystrosť iznajdljivost dovitljivost kvicktänkthet ความมีไหวพริบ zekilik 機智 винахідливість برّاقی sự nhanh trí 机智

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سَرِيع rychlý hurtig schnell γρήγορος rápido nopea rapide brz veloce 素早い 빠른 snel kvikk szybki rápido быстрый snabb รวดเร็ว çabuk nhanh 快的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. rápido-a, ligero-a, [alert] listo-a;

___ -frozencongelado-a al instante;

adv. pronto, rápidamente, al instante.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/quick

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